
Primarch Angron


Traitor Legion

The World Eaters are one of the Traitor Legions of Chaos Space Marines who now inhabit the Warp rift known as the Eye of Terror in the Imperium of Man's Segmentum Obscurus.

Primarch Angron

Angron, sometimes called the "Red Angel," and originally named Angronius of Nuceria, the "Lord of the Red Sands," is the Primarch of the World Eaters Traitor Legion. He was the most bloody-handed and savage of the Primarchs. When Horus began his rebellion against the Emperor, Angron was quick to join in his treachery because of his long-lasting grudge against the Master of Mankind, but his only true master was the rage and bloodlust within him.

Primarch Angron

He fell to Chaos during the Horus Heresy and was transformed into a Daemon Prince of the Blood God Khorne in the campaign known as the Shadow Crusade before that conflict had ended. He was most recently banished to the Warp after he unleashed the First War of Armageddon upon the Imperium of Man in 474.M41, though since the opening of the Great Rift in the Era Indomitus, rumours have swirled that he is active once more in realspace.

The Legion


"Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull Throne! Death to the False Emperor!"

World Eaters Pre-Heresy

The World Eaters are one of the Traitor Legions of Chaos Space Marines who now inhabit the Warp rift known as the Eye of Terror in the Imperium of Man's Segmentum Obscurus. The World Eaters, originally known as the War Hounds, were also once the XIIth Legion of the twenty Founding Space Marine Legions, and one of the first to betray the Emperor of Mankind for the service of Chaos and the Warmaster Horus.

Corrupted World Eater Marine fighting the Imperium

This Legion was a collection of nearly inhuman monsters long before Horus became corrupted and monsters they would remain, only with what little remained of their restraint and their humanity stripped away after their fall to Chaos. The World Eaters are now the dedicated servants of the Blood God Khorne, the Chaos God of war and murder, and live for nothing more than to spill blood in his name. The World Eaters' Primarch Angron was one of the first of the Space Marine Primarchs to join with Horus when he turned against the Emperor and began the Horus Heresy. The Legion is no longer united, having long ago surrendered to the pure bloodlust inspired by their patron Khorne. Instead they now operate as separate warbands of Chaos Space Marines who seek to spread death and terror in the name of the Blood God across the galaxy. The World Eaters were known from their very inception as the most brutal and direct of assault troops. Their fearsome doctrine was very much the result of the early life of their Primarch. Angron was raised on the world of Nuceria as a slave-warrior, driven by a cybernetic cranial implant called the Butcher's Nails into savage bouts of uncontrollable violence for the entertainment of the masses.

Uncorrupted World Eater Marine

But Angron did not remain a slave for long, for he was possessed of the indomitable will of a Primarch, and he rallied his fellow gladiators to break the chains of their bondage, slay their oppressors and escape to freedom. Having led his army of escaped slave-warriors into the mountains, Angron found himself hunted relentlessly, until only a thousand or so of his companions survived, cornered by five entire armies of Nucerian overseers. Determined to sell their lives dearly, Angron and his warriors dug their own graves, a signal to the enemy that no quarter would be asked and the fight would be to the death. But Angron was not to fall the following morning, for it transpired that the Emperor had been observing his deeds from orbit. The Emperor came before His long lost gene-son and told him, as He had the other Primarchs, of the purpose for which he was created. Yet Angron rejected the Emperor's words, determined instead to fight and to die at the side of his fellow slave-warriors.

As the sun rose and the encircling armies closed on Angron's band of warriors, the Emperor saw that not even a mighty Primarch could prevail against such odds. As battle was joined, the Primarch was teleported to the Emperor's vessel, and though he was saved from certain death as all his comrades died in his absence, he never forgave his gene-father for what he would forever view as a gross betrayal of a warrior's vows to his battle-kin. Taking his position as Primarch of the XIIth Legion, which he renamed the "World Eaters," Angron instigated a program of replicating the cranial implants he himself had been fitted with as a slave-warrior, knowing that the devices granted such advantages in speed, aggression and strength that no enemy in the galaxy could stand before his Legion once all had received them.

Yet, it was soon found that the implants were based on lost technology of which the ancient Mechanicum was ignorant, and while they used Angron's own implant as a template, they were never able to fully recreate it. Nevertheless, the Mechanicum did succeed in creating devices that greatly boosted the abilities of the bearer, making him stronger and even more aggressive than he already was. The World Eaters became the most effective shock troops in the Imperium's armies, proving time and again that none could stand before them.