
Primarch Jaghatai Khan


Loyalist Legion

The White Scars, who call themselves the "Horde of Jaghatai" and were originally called the Star Hunters during the early Great Crusade, are a Loyalist Space Marine Chapter and one of the First Founding Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes.

Primarch Jaghatai Khan

The Khan

Jaghatai is believed to have been in pursuit of the Drukhari who had savaged his homeworld of Chogoris following the Battle of Corusil V with his 1st Brotherhood when he went through a Warp Gate into the Drukhari portion of the Webway. Jaghatai had been in pursuit of a mighty Drukhari lord, likely the Archon of the Drukhari Kabal that had attacked Corusil V and perhaps even Chogoris itself. Jaghatai Khan has not been seen since, though the White Scars believe he is still alive somewhere within the Webway and will one day return to the Chapter in a time of great need. As a result of their Primarch's disappearance, the White Scars hold a particularly savage grudge against the Drukhari and will gladly seek out any opportunity to make war upon those savage and terrifying xenos.

The titanic struggle between the two former friends resulted in the destruction of Caliban and the loss of the Dark Angels' Primarch, as well as the escape of Luther's allies who had sided with the Ruinous Powers. Known as the Fallen Angels amongst their former Battle-Brothers of the Ist Legion, it became the overriding goal of the Dark Angels and all of their Successor Chapters (collectively known as the Unforgiven) after the Second Founding to hunt down every one of the Fallen and get them to repent their betrayal of the Emperor and of The Lion. Perhaps one of the greatest secrets of the Imperium of Man, known only to the Emperor Himself, is that The Lion is still alive and resting in stasis, buried deep within the Dark Angels' mobile fortress-monastery, The Rock. There he waits, now fully healed from the wounds he received during the fall of Caliban, to be awakened to lead the Dark Angels in one final Crusade to save Mankind from all the enemies who threaten it with extinction.

The Legion


"For the Emperor and the Khan!"

White Scars Pre-Heresy

The White Scars, who call themselves the "Horde of Jaghatai" and were originally called the Star Hunters during the early Great Crusade, are a Loyalist Space Marine Chapter and one of the First Founding Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes. Known and feared throughout the Imperium of Man for their highly mobile way of war, the White Scars are considered the masters of the lightning strike and hit-and-run attack and are particularly adapted to the use of the Astartes Assault Bike as their mechanical steeds and their forces contain an unusually large number of Bike Squads compared to other Chapters.

Bearing the ritual scars of bravery, these fierce warriors fight with all the tribal savagery that define the fierce steppe nomads of their homeworld Mundus Planus, known to them as Chogoris, bringing swift death to all of the enemies of the Imperium. The fierce, honour-scarred Battle-Brothers of the White Scars Chapter are the inheritors of the Vth Space Marine Legion. Recruited from the most savage nomad tribes of the Feral World of Chogoris, the White Scars fight in the manner of the nomad warriors of the steppes.

White Scars fighting the Tau

Mounting lightning assaults utilising the fastest of vehicles, the White Scars descend upon their foes in an unstoppable torrent, their hearts filled with savage joy and the battle cry "For the Emperor and the Khan!" on their lips. The Primarch of the White Scars was the mighty Jaghatai Khan, the first and only warrior to have risen to such power that he could unite every one of the wild tribes of the Chogorian steppes into a single body. He achieved all this before the time when the Great Crusade reached Chogoris and the Primarch was re-united with his father.

The ranks of the Vth Legion were swelled by the intake of warriors inducted from Jaghatai Khan's fierce army, the Legion inheriting the traditions of the Chogorian steppes nomads. Soon, the savagery of the tribes had bred itself into the Legion's gene-seed too, but it was tempered by the fierce sense of honour and justice embodied so perfectly by the Legion's Primarch. The White Scars fought with valour and determination throughout the Great Crusade, though the years immediately preceding the Horus Heresy were spent mired in a campaign against an Ork Empire centred on the Chondax System.